“Beginnings” – is spray paint on canvas by me, it measures 36″ x 36″

This piece was spray paint on canvas but due to its popularity I have made it a post card.


Ferrer - New Beginnings

  1. salliannev says:

    Just beautiful. Reminds me of childhood. Thanks for sharing your work

  2. drterrysegal says:

    Your beautiful art is quite enchanting. Wishing you the best.

  3. Amazing what you are able to create with spray paint. Very cool

  4. groovy777 says:

    Very impressive! Nice piece!

  5. Bella Grace says:

    This is a really cool piece [cool peace]. It says a lot…standing still and pieces of you blowing away yet you still are what you are!

  6. T. D. Davis says:

    My other half is a sculptor and photographer; so I’m surrounded by beautiful art. Yours is fantastic!

  7. elinasicons says:

    Contrast full with balance😊

  8. i am a dandelion, i draw dandelions and yours beats mine hands down, very nice..

  9. Amazing to see what can be done with a spray can! The work is so powerful in its extreme simplicity – love it! Shall visit this website regularly.

  10. Outstanding work. You are indeed gifted.

  11. Jo says:

    This is gorgeous. I can’t believe someone could do that with just spray paint! Amazing!

  12. Love the serenity of the dandelion

  13. Mary Mageau says:

    Great website and art work.

  14. gruundehn says:

    Interesting picture, spray painted even makes it more so. You have a great deal of control over your medium to be able to get that level of detail with that medium. It should be interesting to see further pictures from you. I hope you find my future thoughts to be of interest.

  15. You have been blessed with an awesome and unique talent. Thank you for sharing it with the world. ❤

  16. .me. says:

    Love it , like memories dissipating in the breeze of autumn x

  17. You say: My work captures spaces of partial or full illumination between the perfect shadows on all sides of a person or an object.

    If you had been born in the Netherlands during the 17th Century you would have been a follower of Rembrandt

  18. I really like what you said above, “I am vehemently opposed to using art as a means to rely on overly-complex theories or ideas to prop up mediocre images. I believe that the quality of the actual work is what is paramount.” Here, here! :))

  19. Dr Iffi says:

    Very beautiful i must say ….. Awesome

  20. Edgar Swamp says:

    Absolutely brilliant!

  21. micalg says:

    Thanks Ray. Love your work, it is poetry on canvass.

  22. suezz says:

    your work looks exactly like a photograph, amazing.

  23. brettdc says:

    So glad I found this. Been interested in how one can use spray paint on canvas.

  24. lulupoetrycorner says:

    Beautiful…makes me want to write on it…:)

  25. lulupoetrycorner says:

    I see you are very talented and I look forward to following you.

  26. costaauthor says:

    This is a great place to be, and I love your work! I’ll be checking out your ‘shop’!

  27. fgpropertym says:

    Very nice work, we are looking forward to seeing more soon.

  28. stormyslayersharon says:

    AMAZING!! Looks like a picture! You have a follower!

  29. dalecooper57 says:

    That’s extraordinary, looks like a photo. Love the blog.

  30. Kris Swanguarin says:

    Incredible art. I’m following.

  31. This is amazing…I thought for sure it was a photograph!

  32. Rebecca says:

    Everytime I come to your blog I can’t believe this is spray painted! Beautiful.

  33. Cool, very talented!
    Oh my God, if you ever did (or have done) a Michael Jackson one I’d love you forever.

  34. mammaspeaks says:

    Loved them all…simple, clean and honest

  35. Yve says:

    Hi a beautiful artist with a profound eye. Just how I like it.

  36. You do a beautiful work

  37. Looks really amazing.

  38. Marisa says:

    that is stunning!

  39. Very interesting work.

  40. This is a great piece! I was just browsing through your Etsy page and your other posts, I cannot believe that it’s spray paint! Such creative ability!

  41. Mike says:

    That is a great image!! Love it!

  42. Baker Chic says:

    Dig this picture! Nature’s beauty raw and yet defined.

  43. elenadiazs says:

    great work

  44. Love this piece…thanks for sharing your art with us 🙂

  45. Wow, it’s amazing what you can do with spray paint. You are obviously doing exactly what you were born to do!

  46. Absolutely extraordinary!!!!

  47. Wow, your art is very detailed and impressive!

  48. X says:

    Incredible artistry here! I am in awe…and with spray paint! Wow…

  49. McKay says:

    Incredible eye! I love your work!

  50. drosera37 says:

    A very impressive picture – I really like this

  51. Chris says:

    Gorgeous! I thought it was a photographic print.

  52. liztotton says:

    That is gorgeous. I cannot imagine how you did that with spray paint, but then I am an oil painter. 🙂

  53. That’s beautiful! I love art, but I never live anywhere long enough to hang any. Maybe someday. A girl can dream right.

  54. Jess says:

    this is BEAUTIFUL!

  55. This says to me, “come fly with me.”

  56. Spray paint; that’s crazy! What is it – stencils, witchcraft? Either way, you are good.

  57. saysie says:

    Your work is amazing!

  58. Shellan says:

    I am starting a new project today and this work of art really spoke to me.

  59. Jeffrey Sterling, MD says:

    Great work.

  60. rainb0wbubbles says:

    I love this! So glad I came across this blog!

  61. Breathtaking and poignant! Can’t believe that is spray paint – you are very talented!

  62. inge says:

    Wow. Spray paint?! That is awesome. Gorgeous, really.

  63. Yours is intriguing!!!

  64. Andrea says:

    I’m looking forward to learning more about you!

  65. Stunning. Hopeful, reminiscent and plangent, all at once…I’d no idea this could be done with spray-paint, but I’m intrigued. Beautifully done.

  66. lynnetteok says:

    Hi Ray,

    Your artwork is incredible! It’s hard to believe that any of those pictures are done with spray paint. They resemble charcoal drawings…so much detail!

  67. Wonderful work, Ray; keep it up, keep smiling & laughing and be HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  68. stephendallen says:

    Wow! Beautiful and stunning imagery. I am so glad I found your site.

  69. What fun it will be to follow your blog.

  70. Man, I hope you get a showing here in Vancouver. Beautiful piece!

  71. The moment before something happens, all possibility in the flight of seeds. Lovely.

  72. Awesome piece of art here. 😀
    Keep on living life to the full! 😉

  73. Looking to encapsulate the sensory deluge of some special minds. Novice here. Anytime u might feel inspired to take on an NP … would welcome critiques 😉

  74. lesliepotts says:

    I like it! Very pretty

  75. lesliepotts says:

    I really like it!

  76. The spray paint on canvas is incredible!

  77. AngieG9 says:

    Lovely. It reminds me of a photo I took of my granddaughter bringing me a “pretty flower” while we were visiting a park one day.

  78. Beautiful! Keep up the good work!

  79. Food For The Journey says:

    “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes.” (John 3:8) How many times, as a child, have I been the “wind” while holding a very pregnant dandelion in my hand, just to delight in the beauty and wonder of birth. Your artwork speaks to me of life. There is conception in the mind of the artist and gestation in the work. When it is fully ripe for the world to see, the “wind blows where it wishes.” So happy, that one of those seeds took germination in me. I look forward to following that I might truly enjoy the spirit of life that is present in your work. Lovely. Absolutely, lovely! And I, like many others who commented, am absolutely blown-away that you did this with spray-paint!

  80. Busy.Girl.Shawn says:

    Love your art and your blog. :))

  81. DragonH3art says:

    cool spray paint art

  82. […] "Beginnings" – Spray Paint on Canvas by Me….. […]

  83. Ink Pastries says:

    AMAZING. God has gifted you as He has everyone, but unlike many, you found your gift.

  84. Love your work and unique creativity. Keep on spraying!

  85. Jeanius says:

    Hi there:) Shared your link.

  86. The dandelion picture is beautiful.

  87. Free To Be says:

    For once the dandelion as an image of beauty (rather than pest).
    Lovely artwork; best to you

  88. Jenn J says:

    Lovely talent. You are lovely!

  89. I love the perspective this one brings. I feel as if I’m crouching down, watching giant grey storm clouds roll in. Very cool.

  90. Julia Kovach says:

    Wow! I love love love this! Your talent just blows me away! Beautiful….just beautiful. I’m in awe. xoJulia

  91. That painting is AMAZING!

  92. Olufunmilola says:

    That picture is breathtaking. Spray Paint ???? How?

  93. That looks totally real!

  94. awax1217 says:

    An interesting piece of work. I like your creativity. I am going to look at some more of your work.

  95. You are here by inducted into the elite, exclusive club of people I envy, who can wield the paint brush, so for now I shall feel sorry for myself and eat worms.
    after which I shall enjoy your paintings. 🙂 Lovely

  96. 7feetnorth says:

    Beautiful! I can’t believe it’s spray paint!

  97. jujuskitchen says:

    Just beautiful and very unique – you should sell your art here in Ann Arbor where we have some of the best art shows in the country.

  98. Waaaaoooooowwww! 😀 (Joey will send this to his hoomin’s sister- she’s an art cwitic, curator, and stuffs! 😀 )

  99. Cheri L. says:

    Love the balance and symmetry here. Beautiful.

  100. lrdl3535 says:

    Reblogged this on lrdl3535 and commented:
    Nice post

  101. Oh my! I am a lover of art from way back and a designer specializing in 19th illustration adaptation application for 35 years, so when I say wow, what all my senses mean is spectacular.

  102. Art, language and learning are all so valuable to becoming human.

  103. I’m blown away (no pun intended!). I once spent ages photographing dandelions like this trying to get a shot exactly like your painting. I failed miserably.

  104. katzrambles says:

    I love your work and look forward to your future creations 🙂

  105. vedvyash says:

    Beautiful!!! Keep it up!!!

  106. Xraypics says:

    Your work is pretty awesome, I love your spray-painted stuff. Tony

  107. aj vosse says:

    Flip… that’s good! 😉

  108. Glittermoon says:

    Your work is wonderful! I am looking forward to exploring further! Best to you, Cackie

  109. jpbohannon says:

    What a great looking site! I was excited about the July 16th event (I’m from Philly), but I’ll be on the West Coast that week. Hope to catch your stuff some other time.

  110. Your blog background is exactly right for your blog – chose something more “words” but was a heartbeat away from using it as well.

  111. k9dancer says:

    Hauntingly beautiful images.

  112. dare I say the way handle a spray paint how some tags. lol

  113. WOW that is incredible!

  114. pi314chron says:

    Insanely beautiful! Best success with your art and whatever endeavor you may follow.

  115. summerstommy says:

    Great work I like your work very much.
    I have a son, an artist, who has also done wall art on the front of a restaurant in Melbourne and on the inside of one there as well. Keep up the good work!

  116. sakuraandme says:

    Hey how’s things? Have a great weekend. hugs Paula xx

  117. Linda G. White says:


  118. gsemsel says:

    Ah, the East Coast . . .

  119. barabrith says:

    Amazing detail!

  120. Joanne says:

    How absolutely amazing – thank you for sharing!

  121. ilhtpakistancom says:

    good work

  122. darsword says:

    Love your work!

  123. Taz says:

    I love world famous painters and I love your work.

  124. rickdune says:

    Nice ‘Point of Difference’ to Art !

  125. Not on facebook so i cant follow you on that, to get your free give a way each month. Ill follow you on here your blog.

    From Chris

  126. Sorry, predictive text. Tyre

  127. Nice picture, where every seed starts and finishes is just so random. Your creativity is so tyre and free.

  128. bstarbee says:

    LOVE the whimsy of this image. Thank you!

  129. asanempoka says:

    I love your artwork. So understated, yet so powerful in it layers and it’s simplicity.

  130. Great analogy work of art to represent new beginnings – very clever and well-done.

  131. Magical…like notes drifting in the wind.

  132. M. Arnold says:

    Amazing! I always loved this as a child, blowing in the wind…making a wish. Memories for me! Thank you!

  133. Jack Curtis says:

    “I breathed a song into the air…”

    Beginnings, yes; endings too. Only some seeds strike receptive ground and germinate…

  134. aislingbing says:

    wow you are so talented spray painting is quite hard

  135. jnizzie says:

    Your work is stunning. Simply beautiful.

  136. Reblogged this on Colleen Kirkpatrick Yoga: Exploring Truth and commented:
    emotions on canvas. check this guy out. absolutely beautiful

  137. Piscis says:

    That’s a spray-painting? Damn, that’s impressive!

  138. Beautiful. It seems simply enough, until I try it. I love the simple, yet profound things in life. This is one of them.

  139. Shauna says:

    wow, that’s beautiful 🙂

  140. Shainbird says:

    This is one of my favorite images in my mind. You have captured it with beauty and sensitivity!

  141. Jane says:

    Your work is fabulous.

  142. lindsaycolle says:

    Your work is amazing!

  143. Carol Schiff says:


  144. we call these flowers ‘fairies for good luck’, your work is amazing x

  145. desrigoodwin says:

    Love this!
    We call them fairies, don’t catch them let them free to catch the breeze, you’ve ‘caught them’ in a beautiful way.

  146. Thank you for following my blog. Like the other people who have commented before me, I enjoyed looking at this piece. On the surface, it looks simple, but it has so many complex details at the same time. Keep up the wonderful work! 🙂

  147. Your work has a quiet beauty. Thank you for sharing it.

  148. jodiwoody says:

    Wow, very inspiring!

  149. Ray says:

    We appreciate the work you are doing

  150. Dera Luce says:

    Wow, I didn’t know you could get so much detail with spray paint. This is really nice.

  151. jedsonphoto says:

    Lovely picture-the sombre yet hopeful atmosphere. I wonder if maybe the dragonflies aren’t *landing* on the dandelion?

  152. clisawork says:

    I love everything you do – this is amazing!

  153. What a great shot…it looks like “dragonflies”. Good job. AJM

  154. KD Did It says:

    Absolutely amazing work…!

  155. These are absolutely stunning

  156. atxer says:

    so delicate and beautiful 🙂 congratulations for your art piece and talent!

  157. This is really amazing! Love your art!

  158. asuka11 says:

    My favorite.

  159. Peabea says:

    Learn something new everyday because I’d never heard of doing this. How awesome!! Very talented. Thanks for visiting me, and I’m thinking photography pales in comparison to the pretty paintings you make. Wonderful..

  160. ceva9 says:


  161. jannatwrites says:

    Love the detail of the seedlings blowing in the wind. This is great!

  162. Lily says:

    That is awesome!

  163. lliyrapohl says:

    your stuff is amazing!

  164. Stunning picture Urbanwallart, this blog is exactly the sort of blog that wows me and gets me and many others inspired. Very, very good.

  165. Kimberley says:

    Wow-nice. Looks just like a photo.

  166. This is spectacular!! It looks like some sort of weird old process of photography. Beautiful!!

  167. JMPoland21van says:

    Those dandelion silhouettes look like the crane flies that i photographed on Mother’s Day. Buffy Silverman corrected my mis-name of dragonflies!

  168. theflyingks says:

    We will be coming through San Diego on our journey – would love to see some of your work in person!

    • urbanwallart says:

      Awesome! It is at a high end wine storage facility. Here is the info. Just go anytime between now and August.

      VAULT wine storage @ Pacific
      4350 Pacific Highway
      San Diego, CA 92110
      Monday-Saturday: 9:00am-6:00pm
      Sunday: 11:00am-5:00pm

  169. protecok says:

    Your work is unbelievable!

  170. Sherry says:

    Ray, I am really taken by this dandelion fluff art. I have written about it, and this epitomizes one of my poems not to mention something that I shared with my Mother. She called it “wishing me Joy.”
    This brings back palpable memories. I should love to be able to own some version of this. Seriously. And it is also beautiful.

  171. You create a great sense of the wind blowing dandelion.

  172. Ian Gardner says:

    All the best in expressing your creativity: as an one time artist and poet I appreciate your skills.

  173. great picture 🙂

  174. 1annecasey says:


  175. Yours is a great combination of urban and fine art

  176. aronjoice says:

    Your work is amazing, true genius.

  177. randomrose says:

    WOW! Now that is ‘art’ at its very best…brilliant piece and my favourite subject. Thank you for sharing.

  178. Perfect! This one could be stunning in my future dream house…

  179. Villanueva says:

    your blog is really awesome and so unique. keep it up bro.

  180. Madhurima says:

    you have clearly sprayed life on to the canvas! love your work!

  181. joserasan66 says:

    Sin Duda La Fuerza Del Viento… Muy Buena. Un Saludo.

  182. Joanna says:

    Ray, I have enjoyed your blog and nominated you for a “Best Moment” Award.

  183. Ur works are making a kind of new domain.. Keep it up bro.

  184. Wow, this is great, it is so well done i thought it was a foto as i was scrolling through my reader! Love this one.

  185. merceeme says:

    Reblogged this on The Bottom of Me and commented:
    Stunning art! Who doesn’t remember picking dandelions in the grass, making a wish, blowing them, and watching their seeds spread on the summer breeze.

  186. bagbeater says:

    Nice. love the simplicity of the analogy.. cool.

  187. Awesome blog and art! Keep up the good work!

  188. keladelaide says:

    Amazing and all the very best for your exhibition.

  189. clevershrew1 says:

    That’s how I imagine diaspora. Very nice.

  190. Jane Risdon says:

    Wonderful, loving this page.

  191. kelihasablog says:

    Oh I LOVE this one!!!! WOW…. Fantastic! 😀

  192. Beachbums1 says:

    Wow ~ this is amazing. Good luck with your show in May. Wish I could attend…

  193. marieandtheappletree says:

    Reblogged this on marieandtheappletree and commented:
    Goes with my poem from long ago!

  194. marieandtheappletree says:

    I love Dandelions!

  195. casandralee says:

    kudos to you!

  196. Basharr says:

    Awesome!!! Reblogged.

  197. […] “New Beginnings” – Spray Paint on Canvas by Me….. […]

  198. JJBollOX says:

    This is still possibly my favourite of yours 🙂

  199. thesanctuaryofmyheart says:

    Wow!! Love it!!!

  200. Sanah says:

    Doesn’t look like it’s spray painted ! Amazing !

  201. This is beautiful !!! *Cynthia

  202. Beautiful, as always!

  203. You have captured the delicacy of the motion

  204. Melanee says:

    Absolutely love this…new beginnings and the freedom to do whatever you want or go anywhere life takes you.

  205. Beautiful…Makes one wonder where they’re headed; where they’ll land!

  206. blueviking says:

    Love it!

  207. That is a painting? Amazing, it looks like a photograph. Quite amazing

  208. Victoria says:

    One of my favourites. “Optimism” will always be #1, for me.

  209. Chatty Owl says:

    Outstanding for a spray paint!

  210. Luddy's Lens says:

    This is spray-painted?? Wow! The details are remarkable.

  211. I’ve always loved “Ginny Joes”. You know if you catch one you’re granted a wish? I can almost reach out and ….

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