This 2ft x 3ft canvas (image below) is one of many pieces that was displayed and sold at my exhibition in Virginia in December of 2012.


  1. Hubert writes says:

    You have posted so many pieces Ray your work is amazing. I think this one of the little girl is my favourite
    its so powerful captures your heart

  2. aksis2 says:

    I have spray paint experience (one poster) and I know how difficult and risky it is. It is an amazing technique, and you do absolutely amazing work. I love all your collection.

  3. Makes me think of the portrait of the Afghan girl … powerful!

  4. stephenreno says:

    Reblogged this on Start The Inspired Living App and commented:
    WOW! Spray paint!

  5. Evelyn says:

    Amazing! Love the expression on her face.

  6. GiannettaJ says:

    that is incredibly gorgeous!

  7. abhi says:

    You are fantabulous :), god bless you 🙂

  8. This is my favourite! Even though I like all of them. Congrats

  9. Ray, Thank you so much for allowing me to use the picture above for my Picture Phiction project. You can see a couple of the stories that the picture has inspired

  10. Stefania says:

    Lovely! Congratulations!

  11. F. Mohr says:

    These works are so awesome ! Look at the hair on this little girl….How do you do that! I have a little girl coming in 12 weeks and I would love to have you produce a portrait of her one of these days.

  12. rika9 says:

    I love the hair texture. Just curious, (and I appologize if you’ve been asked this a million times) do you work from photographs or sketches when you make your stencils?

  13. You are having such fun unwrapping one memorable gift after another for us.

  14. sisterdot56 says:

    hi friend have a good sundayyyyyyyy;;;DOT

  15. Felicia says:

    Wow~ Ray… You amaze me! Your work is awesome!!!

  16. hekrulewski says:

    Beautiful and touching.

  17. The work shown above is Absolutely Beautiful ~ I know not one thing about how one would make masterpieces such as this one with the mediums you use, but will keep reading your blog to learn more. So impressed!

  18. dpbowman says:

    Simply Stunning! Warm Regards, Dan

  19. PiedType says:

    I particularly like this piece. Dramatic and compelling.

  20. How beautiful!! The emotion in your piece is breathtaking!!

  21. Steve says:

    It’s just freaked me out that its taken this long to find a wordpress page it like so much!
    Keep the art rollin’!

    Post dates when spray art events are taking place please, as I miss most of the best ones local to me!!! Whoops on my behalf!

  22. janasnyder says:

    I love this piece!

  23. Beautiful!!!
    Very interesting piece!!!

  24. puresusan says:

    Hauntingly beautiful. Any time I see a fellow artist create something that speaks to my soul, I give a standing ovation! One cannot claim to create great art without speaking to another’s heart. You create great art.

  25. ajaytao2010 says:

    RAY FERRER your art is superb, I love your art my dear friend. Absolutely beautiful work.

  26. Great work!

    Best wishes for 2013 ☺

  27. I love this, she looks so strong, powerful and determined.
    Amazing work.

  28. StillValerie says:

    You are talented!

    Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year 2013.

  29. spirited13 says:

    Love your work! Very detailed and yet simple….Barbara

  30. This is the best wallart I have ever seen! One word – WOW!

  31. Wow…
    That is astonishing!

  32. Immy Chua says:

    Love your works so beautiful and inspiring….and you were nominated the beautiful blogger award.

  33. Chef Randall says:

    Your art work is superb!! I love the things YOU can do with stencil. Too bad your not here in Boise.

    I look forward to your future post’s here on your blog. Wonderful art work, just amazing. 🙂

  34. Shari Kelley says:

    Your work is so beautiful!

  35. Cardin Lee says:

    I really like the contrast between the sharp lines in her hair, compared with the soft glint that seems to reflect off her face. The shadow at the corner of her lip almost seems to turn her expression into one of a grimace. Nice work!

  36. Wow, this is a beautiful piece of work! 🙂

  37. matewhawk says:

    Loving your work mate! Reminds me a lot of the street art that decorates my city (Bristol UK) Keep it up!

  38. Wow, this is amazing! You do beautiful work with spray paint. I never even knew something like this was possible.

  39. I have to say this is absolutely gorgeous. Green with envy here as I’d be lucky to spraypaint a “for sale” sign without messing it up.

  40. My brother lives in Williamsburg…. I’m sending him this link. Thank you!

  41. fromthericefields says:

    Wow I like this one, it’s very nice and well done!

  42. lesrainbows says:

    You got some intensity going on there!

  43. kz says:

    stunning! what great talent you have! ^^

  44. you are a truly brilliant artist 🙂 Love your work 🙂

  45. mightwar says:

    I just love the detailing of the hair, as it creates such movement. Stunning image.

  46. JWB says:

    That image portrays a great deal of frustration. Excellent work.

  47. belladonna23 says:

    I can see that you get so many comments that you probably don’t have time to read them all, but I must say, this is absolutely amazing… my mother is an artist herself so I grew up loving and appreciating art. The way you construct such moving and detailed images is by far something incredible.

  48. scott2608 says:

    Absolutely stunning work!

  49. thekeyofkels says:

    Wow, your art is stunning!

  50. Eleanor Wood says:

    This is stunning. Really beautiful.

  51. klastinger says:

    Your work is incredible. I love this piece. How you were able to get the strands of hair is amazing. I am hoping to get to your show before it is gone next month. I bet these are even better in real life.

  52. emmylgant says:

    Fabulous stuff. I love that child’s face, the intense focus and determination she shows. wow1 Just awesome.

  53. SERIOUSLY……………… this blog is amazing

  54. What an awesomly expressive face!

  55. kelihasablog says:

    Just amazing… Beautiful…

  56. Really beautiful! You’re so talented!!

  57. teamoss says:

    love this. What a stunning image!

  58. […] on Ray Ferrer’s blog, the Boys and Girl’s club KickStarter project is currently $980 short of the required amount […]

  59. Your art is amazing! Loves it! I love art but nothing has hit me recently like your work has just done.

  60. Tara says:

    Your art is amazing! I wish I could have visited the exibition. I particularly love the facial expression on this piece and the way the shadows play on it.

  61. kathrynlane says:

    Your art is absolutely beautiful!! Keep creating! 🙂

  62. fallingshortoftheabsolutetruth says:

    I nominated you for a Liebster Award!

  63. nadiafriza says:

    nice tone, nice expression 🙂

  64. i have nominated you for the sunshine award

  65. mrsdeboots says:

    I cannot say anything that hasn’t already been said..this work is stunning and evocative and hauntingly beautiful. Your talent astounds.

  66. nina_henz says:

    Your images are amazing!

  67. kris says:

    i am always amazed at the talent god gives out…beautiful work! love that you’re working with the boys & girls club. 🙂

  68. Such an evocative image…it seems to demand a story or poem.

  69. onecoolsoul says:

    I must agree with the other commenters here about the image. It is quite good. The emotion in the childs face says more than a thousand words!

  70. robertnathan says:

    Hello! What beautiful art. I love this piece.

  71. Well done! Stay Centered.

  72. Lovely. You captured her emotion brilliantly.

  73. Kourtnie says:

    This piece is beautiful!

  74. This is movingly impressive-such beauty

  75. […] UrbanWallArt Share this:TwitterFacebookStumbleUponLike this:LikeBe the first to like […]

  76. Awesome, will be reblogged

  77. I thought I was already following you but just realized I was NOT!? Mistake corrected 🙂 You do great stuff!

  78. Carolyn says:

    Reblogged this on my name is carolyn and commented:
    I love finding gems worth sharing. Take a look at this artist, his work is truly creative and amazing!

  79. I wrote a piece of poetry based on the exhibition image you’ve linked in this post. It is a wonderful piece of artwork.

  80. Miro says:


  81. You’re very talented and it seems you have a knack for conveying emotion. Good luck with your exhibition in VA.

  82. granbee says:

    SUCH a powerful expression from one so young!

  83. MothersHeart says:

    Reblogged this on MothersHeart and commented:
    Beautiful Work.

  84. MothersHeart says:

    Beautiful work … I’ll be re-blogging and Pinning…..

  85. Hi, friend! I’ve nominated you for the Day Dreamer Blogging Award!

  86. QueensEvents says:

    Wow! So incredible. I wonder, when did you first know that you were going to become an artist? from: *confused university students worldwide*

    • urbanwallart says:

      I was a businessman for a long time. I have my MBA from a top school. It didn’t feel right. Art found me and my wife was very supportive of my ideas. She was right!!!!

  87. Skylark International says:

    Reblogged this on Skylark International and commented:
    Love Ray Ferrer’s Art!

  88. Olive Ridley says:

    Stunning work! Keep it up!

  89. unfetteredbs says:

    the eyes have it all.. nice.

  90. Your work is beautiful.

  91. prewitt1970 says:

    Nicely done.

  92. why am I here in a handbasket? says:

    that is beautiful.

  93. Amazing! only word for it!

  94. EJ says:

    I have, as you already know nominated you for an Inspiring blog award – I really enjoy your images.

  95. This is just wonderful! Will come back to you with a request …later.

  96. adamjasonp says:

    It’s like sparks are composing the hair. Brilliant.

  97. This is mouth dropping. I wish i could do this.

  98. chitchat140 says:

    Striking, love it!

  99. itrustmyjourney says:


  100. I honestly can’t wrap my mind around how you create such emotion from something as “simple” as a stencil.

    It’s beautiful.

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